I have spent the days leading up to yesterday’s summer solstice in a flurry of spring cleaning. I have dusted all the corners and reorganized my shelves. I have cleaned the floors and carpets using a wet dry vac Bissel. I have even thrown away what I no longer need, which honestly was not much. I am a consummate collector and the objects I surround myself with hold ideas that can go dormant. I have been re-activating them through the act of touching, sorting, dusting, and looking deeply at them again. The ideas hum in the air now – full of possibility in this fresh open space. To be honest I cannot remember the last time my home was this clean. I’ve been reading lots of tips and reviews on websites like appliancehunter.co.uk and they’ve really changed the way I clean and the products that I’m using. I am not stopping there though. There is plenty more to take care of on the outside of my home too. For instance, my gutters could definitely do with a deep clean. My gutters always get so dirty and clogged with debris during the winter. Anyway, I was speaking to a friend of mine about this just the other day and she told me that she found some amazing gutter guards on the Mastershield Gutter Company website. Apparently using gutter guards has kept her roof and drains so much cleaner! I might have to invest in some gutter guards of my own. So, tell me, do you have any spring cleaning tips for inside or outside your home? Let me know your thoughts as I would love to hear them. If you have your own Self Storage Units to put all of your extra storage in, what would you recommend goes in them?