JFKU Faculty Exhibit and Open House

Over the past two years, I have been teaching photography courses at JFK University in Berkeley, CA. This Saturday, February 9, JFKU is having an Open House and a reception for the faculty art exhibit. Here you can see my contribution to the show – works from...

Shifting Rhythms

One of the benefits of the creative life is being able to shift my working rhythm in response to new opportunities and internal needs. The new year has already offered me the experience of changing pace several times. January started out fast and furious with teaching...

My Studio in Print

Waiting for me on the kitchen table when I got home yesterday was a nice fat package from Western Art and Architecture filled with four copies of their latest issue which includes an article on my studio in Muir Beach. Writer Leissa Jackmauh focused on two Bay Area...

Navigating the Imagination

“The notion of a curious, wistful man walking the city and turning up treasure in debris, seeing the transcendent in the forgotten, the discarded, the mundane – such a notion is intrinsically hopeful.” – Leah Hager Cohen This morning while flipping throught the Sunday...

A Fresh Start

“In fact, the ability to start out upon your own impulses is fundamental to the gift of keeping going upon your own terms, not to mention the further and more fulfilling gift of getting started all over again – never resting upon the oars of success or in the doldrums...