Evocations in Tricycle Magazine

I just received a nice package of 10 copies of the new issue of Tricycle: The Buddhist Review, which includes reproductions of my series Evocations. They have paired my images of bottles, maps, and bodies with an article on the 5th precept of Buddhism – the...

Modern Book Moves to San Francisco

Last week, I had a nice visit to Modern Book Gallery at their new location at 49 Geary Street in San Francisco. Previously on University Ave in Palo Alto, they are now on the fourth floor of this building known for housing top-notch galleries like Fraenkel, Koch, and...

Altered Books

Yesterday I spent a blissful six hours at the San Francisco Center for the Book ripping, sewing, gluing, and cutting — transforming books into art objects. It was with a little trepidation that I made my first tear into a book called The Long Tomorrow, but after...

French Flea Marketing

Early last Saturday morning, I took my inner artist out for a morning drive to Mill Valley for Maison Reve’s French Flea Market. I am already a big fan of Maison Reve’s aesthetic, and over the years, have found some wonderful gifts here. Once a season they...

Walking Through the Weeds

The path to my studio is covered with weeds. Walking here today I was filled with the urge to pull them and create beauty and order everywhere around me. But instead of pulling, I stopped, took a deep breath, and acknowledged what the weeds can teach me. They are an...