Space to Grow

My studio overlooks my vegetable garden – a view fertile with metaphors for the creative process. Weeding, watering, fertilizing, planting, sprouting, growing, harvesting…are all apt expressions of artmaking.Last night found me planting. I love beets, and so I...

Creating Sanctuary

I am frequently asked “How did you make that?” – especially when it comes to my series, Sanctuary. Many speculate that I did the whole process in Photoshop. But no, my PS skills are not nearly sophisticated enough for that, and frankly, I love the...

“Divine Dissatisfaction”

I just refreshed my bulletin board – removing what no longer hums and leaving lots of blank space for new quotes and images to inspire me. Keeping a bulletin board in my creative space has been a practice of mine for many, many years. There is one quote that has made...

Spring Cleaning before Summer Solstice

I have spent the days leading up to yesterday’s summer solstice in a flurry of spring cleaning. I have dusted all the corners and reorganized my shelves. I have cleaned the floors and carpets using a wet dry vac Bissel. I have even thrown away what I no longer...


While working away on the computer the other day, I heard a strange popping noise and looked out my window to see flames licking the sky. Jesse, a local volunteer fireman, had ignited the neighborhood burn pile. A little voice inside me said – get your camera. So I...

Why Art is Like Fishing

1. Because you have to enjoy the process of it. It’s called fishing, not catching. 2. Both art and fishing require a combination of skill and luck. You put yourself in the right place, at the right time with the right equipment. You look for signs. You read the water...